Helping clients connect to their audience through meaningful outreach beyond the bottom line.

Welcome to Strategic Resources Consulting (SRC) a company partnering to make a change-in business and in community. Our 20 years of proven success in managing and coordinating campaigns has taught us how to merge a host of data driven campaign strategies and new technologies with traditional grassroots tactics to produce victories. With our wide network of professionals, we can develop the right strategy and assemble the right team for success.

We’re a company partnering to make a change

– In business and the community

SRC offers a wide array of grassroots consulting services tailored to fit the needs of a diverse client base. Many of these services are exclusive to SRC, making a partnership with SRC an effective Strategic move.

Services We Provide

A partnership with SRC is a great strategic move

Our years of experience and commitment to excellence have earned us the reputation as the best team in the community.

Meet Kenn Dowell

I’m the CEO and President of Strategic Resources & Consulting, a Cleveland-based firm that coordinates political campaigns, public relations, and marketing. With over 20 years of experience, I’ve worked with change-makers and visionaries across the nation committed to strategic approaches to win for over 20 years.

I craft strategies and solutions with leaders like you to maximize their impact by leveraging my elite team of marketing executives, communications specialists, graphic designers, political consultants, and more.

My holistic approach to achieving your outcomes guarantees success.

Kenn Dowell

As a political consultant as well as a government, public, and community relations specialist for more than 20 years here in the great city of Cleveland, Ohio, I’ve met and built relationships with some absolutely amazing and interesting people. Because I want to help you make your next move, “A Strategic Move,” this show is an opportunity for me to introduce you to some of these people, talk about some of the exciting things happening across the region. I hope you’ll hear something that can help you learn and grow as a person and/or professional.